Wednesday 19 August 2020

Who can steal my childhood......?

Around two months back I felt exhausted of a chaotic schedule with my children and in-laws. An obvious nostalgic feel for my village intensified as if it was beckoning me to puff some fresh air in her lap. I had planned for a visit to my native and the permission granted by my in-laws. Next dawn I was all set to my village, it's apparently a day-long trip from my place. The following morning around nine o'clock  I  reached over there, hired an auto to my hometown. Inhaling the refreshing air on the way to by suburb I dozed off a little in the midway. When the auto stopped near my home. I was stunned to see see the new look of my home. My charming home had been turned into a  different one since it was remodelled, it seemed as if a village beauty in saree transformed into a youthful girl in a jean -top and guggle. My sweet home seemed no sweeter than before from any angles. I got abacked and a silent pain began spreading in my whole body like a mild current... Finally, sweet home become a victim of modernization.!

 It excited my parents to meet me after a long gap and I was happy too meet them, but avoid inside swallowed my whole happiness, perhaps, it was my childhood footprints ..... missing the courtyard where I used to sit under the morning sun with some puffed rice in a bamboo plate, the open verandah where my textbooks were usually laid upon, above all, yearning for the small cattle shed where our adorable Dhenu used to be  (our pet cow) tied in the middle of the courtyard. That string cot... ......I used to lay down in the summer twilight, and an endless mingling with the twinkling stars..... every single corner of the house dazzling with vitrified tiles all over. The rectangular courtyard turned into an eye-catching leaving area. The floor was decorated by a greyish carpet with a polished comfortable sofa. Every single room was giving an impression of a college-going girl with utmost elegance. its look was though eye-catching but not heart touching. I was trying to be relaxed by dumping my worries but alas!  I   was getting overloaded with a sense of insecurity .  I tried to put on a solid mask of smiling on my face but miserably defeated.

 I had my dinner with my favourite dishes and lots of conversation. Between our talk, my father might sniff my about my off mood and  asked the cause for my absent-mindedness. I assured him playfully..” no…no. Nothing like that. It might  all because of this lengthy trip,  but pretension before my “father” is mere a foolishness.  After dinner, I was off to bed .. Tried to sleep by keeping my worries aside, but all efforts were fruitless... Trying to close my eyelids, but they were too stubborn to follow my command. Indeed a tough night.! Suddenly I could hear someone was laughing.  I could reckon an unbearable treacherous laugh was coming out of this modulated walls! Mocking at me and saying, hey you !.just see… How cunningly we hyzaced your memories from this home!. I wished...I could answer back, but...... It was childish to be fake. My heart filled with anguish, tears welled up, striving for a sleep, but all n vain.  Surprisingly, I  felt an immense warmth enveloped me and a sense of security in my entire body was curdling me.  Slowly, I was sinking into a deep slumber what I craved for months! Dreaming myself... a charming little girl, dancing, singing in the rain, playing hide-and-seek with my dad... Taking bath in a huge cemented tub filled by my papa.Going to school in the same yellow Lamby scooter of my dad by wearing a little frock ., sleeping amidst the courtyard and busy in mingling with the sparkling stars and many more... Besides to it, I saw myself adoring my Dhenu dearly and she was leaning on me,  resting her head on my arm and gently showering her deepest love by licking my limbs.

 Wow.!!! It was so wonderful… So rejuvenating to live again in childhood. I was getting drenched with the sprinkling of years back sweet memories..slowly was losing myself in the mesmerising lullaby... And those treacherous walls were standing silent with downcast eyes.  I woke up and getting myself in the cosy lap of my father!  

Enchanting dawn was awaiting me...  The trees were chuckling heartily with the touch of a cool breeze...Sweet songs of Cuckoos resonating  the  morning  and a pretty little girl was still dancing inside me on the tune of it...., 

 Looking those walls I quietly whispered back..... No one on the planet.. not even you can steal my childhood as long as my father's heart beats for me.🌷🌷👩‍👩‍👦‍👦